Gosnells Air Conditioning Inspection and Repair
9390 3593
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Gosnells Air Conditioning Specialists
Driving your car in a cool environment is always better than suffering in the heat. Making sure your air conditioner is working correctly will make your every day drive a lot better.
Don’t be caught out in summer, book your car in today at our Kelmscott workshop.
5 Main Compenents of an Air Conditioning System:
- Compressor – If the compressor failes the vehicles air conditioning will no longer be able to pressurise the refrigerant that cools the air.
- Condenser – The condenser uses the incoming air from the compressor and works to reduce both the temperature and pressure of the hot gasses from the refrigerant.
- Receiver or Dryer – This component separates the gas from the liquid and takes away moisture. By using filters it protects the air conditioning unit from contaminants.
- Thermal Expansion Valve – This valve is located between the condenser and evaporator, monitoring the temperature and pressure that is in the A/C system. Once this value is calculate the correct amount of refrigerant can safely go into the evaporator to begin cooling.
- Evaporator – Located behind the dashboard, the evaporator cools the air with the provided refrigerant before it enters the vehicle through the dashboard vents.

Common Reasons For Gosnells
Car Owner's Air Conditioning Failure

Common A/C Issues
Most common issues with air conditioning systems:
- A/C Refrigerant Leak – A lack of adequate refrigerant will cause a significant reduction in the cooling ability of the air conditioner.
Often leaks occur in the winter as the system is not used as much in the colder months. This causes the seals to dry out and the refrigeration levels will lower.
- Defective Cooling Fan – The cooling fan runs to remove excess heat from the engine. If this fan is broken the A/C will only blow out hot air
- Defective Condenser – When this component fails the high-pressure refrigerant vapours that are exiting the compressor will no longer be cooled. Often this can be caused by debris build-up or breakage.
When the condenser is defective it can cause the refrigerant to leak causing the A/C system to stop working completely. A greenish residue will be left around the affected area which indicates a leakage of refrigerant.
- Air Conditioner Compressor Failure – The failure or malfunction of the compressor clutch can lead to inadequate cooling or none at all.
Signs that can indicate a compressor clutch issue include loud noises when the compressor runs. If the compressors interior components break or the bearing seizes a high-pitched noise may occur.
- Electrical Issues – Loose connections, damaged wires, blown fuses or broken temperature sensors can cause the A/C system to fail.
Performing regular scheduled inspections can help avoid costly repairs of the whole system failing.
We Service Customers From Gosnells
City of Gosnells - Perth WA

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9390 3593
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